Released in March 2011. Another use of Thingiverse ‘MakerBlock’ had attempted to merge my simple Stargate model with an iris box model designed by ‘J_Hodgie’.
Unfortunately using the 3D print files to make the new model didn’t result in a perfect marriage of the two models as the Stargate model was a different diameter to the iris box. Therefore I created new model with the correct dimensions.
I uploaded only the Stargate part of the model to Thingiverse and directed people to download the original iris box model since I hadn’t made any modifications to rest of the parts for the model.
Thingiverse:111 Stargate Iris Box by Glitch
Thingiverse:6773 Stargate Iris Box by MakerBlock
Thingiverse:5589 Iris Box v2 by J_Hodgie